Archives de catégorie : IOTA

DZ1A – Siargao Island OC-235

DZ1A – Siargao Island OC-235 Audie, DU1ZDR and Gazelle DU1ZDQ will be active from Siargao Island OC-235 as DZ1A on May 4-5 at Patrick’s on the Beach. QRV on the main IOTA frequencies 14.260 and 7.055Mhz; SSB & CW. Version … Continuer la lecture

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S9A – Sao Tome – Principe

S9A – Sao Tome – Principe A team consisting EA1ACP, EA1DVY, EA5BJ, EA5EL, EA7FTR, S92HP and EB7DX will be active from Sao Tome e Principe AF-023 as S9A during June 6-18, 2019. QRV on HF bands, CW/SSB/FT8. QSL via EB7DX. … Continuer la lecture

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MN5A – Rathlin Island, EU-122

MN5A – Rathlin Island, EU-122 Ian, G3WVG will be active as MN5A during the IOTA contest (July 27-28, 2019) from Rathlin Island EU-122. QRV DXpedition mixed-mode. QSL via LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate MN5A – Rathlin Island, … Continuer la lecture

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9M6NA – Labuan Island, OC-133

9M6NA – Labuan Island, OC-133 QTH: 9M6N Saty, JE1JKL will be active from Labuan Island OC-133 as 9M6NA between May 23-28, 2019. QRV on HF +6m with participation in the CQWW WPX CW Contest (May 25-26). QSL via LoTW. Version … Continuer la lecture

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YJ0RRC – Vanuatu IOTA DXpedition

YJ0RRC – Vanuatu IOTA DXpedition Gaua Island Sergei, RZ3FW and Sergei, R4WAA will be active from Vanuatu as YJ0RRC during November 2019. November 4-11 — Gaua island OC-104. November 8-13 — Tongoa island OC-111. November 14-20 — Efate island OC-035. … Continuer la lecture

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OG0YL & OH0/OH2LGW – Aland Islands

OG0YL & OH0/OH2LGW – Aland Islands Anne, OH2YL and Marko, OH2LGW will be active from the Aland Islands as OG0YL & OH0/OH2LGW during April 19-23, 2019. QRV on 80-6m, CW/SSB. QSL via H/cs. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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4E8T – Tawi Tawi Island, OC-174

4E8T – Tawi Tawi Island, OC-174 Dindo DU1UD and Chris VK3FY have plans to be active from Tawi Tawi Island, OC-174 as 4E8T during April 19-23, 2019. QRV on 40-15m, CW/SSB/FT8. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 4E8T – … Continuer la lecture

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K7Y – Khantaak Island, NA-250NEW (Alaska)

K7Y – Khantaak Island, NA-250NEW (Alaska) NEWS UPDATE by K9AJ — Plans for the previously announced IOTA DXpedition to NA-250 (new) by Bruce/KD6WW & Mike/K9AJ are coming together. We have purchased our air tickets & are scheduled to arrive in … Continuer la lecture

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YJ0GA – Vanuatu

YJ0GA – Vanuatu Malowia Guest House Geoff, ZL3GA will be active as YJ0GA from the Malowia Guest House, Northern Efate Isl (OC-035) during July 21 to August 2, 2019. His QTH is a beachfront location. QRV using a CrankIr and … Continuer la lecture

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VE7ACN/VE2 – Anticosti Island, NA-077

VE7ACN/VE2 – Anticosti Island, NA-077 Mike, VE7ACN is going to be active from NA-077, Anticosti island like VE7ACN/VE2. He plans to be active on August 21-31. — Andrey Teterukov (@AndyEU7A) March 5, 2019 Source de d’info

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Info on ZL9CNB/MM

Info on ZL9CNB/MM March 4, 2019 NEWS UPDATE – Bookmark this webpage for fresh news. One of the little extras for the trip was to get a special event call sign. ZL9CNB – The ZL9 prefix is specific for the … Continuer la lecture

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OH8AA – Inakari Island, EU-192

OH8AA – Inakari Island, EU-192 March 1, 2019 Weather permitting, OH8JK, OH8MWD, OH8NR & OH8ZZ will be active from Inakari Island, EU-192 as OH8AA during March 1-5, 2019. QRV on HF bands, SSB & FT8. QSL via OH8JK. NOTE: EU-192 … Continuer la lecture

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VE3LYC/KL7 Little Diomede Island, NA-150

VE3LYC/KL7 – Little Diomede Island, NA-150 February 26, 2019 Cezar (VE3LYC) will operate from Little Diomede Island (NA-150) for 9 days, between March 18 and 26, 2019. This IOTA reference sits at 11.5% on the Most Wanted Listing. Check the … Continuer la lecture

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A35AG – Tonga

A35AG – Tonga February 23, 2019 NEWS UPDATE – Flights booked, accommodation confirmed, license issued and dates set – read more here DECEMBER 18, 2018 – We have confirmed dates and team members now – currently the team will be … Continuer la lecture

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22 au 24 fév 2019, KP3RE sur NA 249

22 au 24 fév 2019, KP3RE sur NA 249 NA-249 . Les membres des radio opérateurs de radio (RODE) seront actifs en tant que KP3RE de Culebra Island entre le 22 et le 24 février. L’activité se déroulera sur 80 … Continuer la lecture

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5J0JC – Providencia, NA-049

5J0JC – Providencia, NA-049 February 13, 2019 Jean, VE2FDJ informs DX-World that he will be active from Providencia, NA-049 as 5J0JC during February 15-27, 2019. QRV on 80-40-20-6m, SSB. QSL via H/c, direct/buro. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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