Archives de catégorie : IOTA

KH8/W5MJ – American Samoa

KH8/W5MJ – American Samoa May 25, 2018 The bridge between Olosega and Ofu Islands, looking back at Ofu. We came back here later to jump off this bridge into the warm waters. K5PI, W5MJ, W5RF, W5SJ and VE7KW will be … Continuer la lecture

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New – IOTA Directory

New – IOTA Directory May 24, 2018 This 18th edition contains the complete listing of IOTA islands as well as everything you need to know to participate in IOTA. Included in the colour section are fascinating reports on several rare … Continuer la lecture

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VP2V/K6TOP – B.V.I May 24, 2018 Kevin K6TOP is again active from B.V.I as VP2V/K6TOP jusqu’au 1er juin 2018. QRV sur 40-10m CW, temps libre. QSL via LoTW ou via NR6M. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le 24 … Continuer la lecture

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V6J – Mortlock Islands, OC-254

V6J – Mortlock Islands, OC-254 May 24, 2018 The V6J team Hello IOTA friends, It is about time we gave you our latest information about V6J IOTA DXpedition. We have finally decided to activate OC-254 Ta Island Mortlock. Although we … Continuer la lecture

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Irish Islands IOTA Tour 2018

Irish Islands IOTA Tour 2018 May 20, 2018 Beginning June 1st 2018, the EIDX Group will activate ALL Irish IOTA Groups. Using the ‘Echo Juliet’ prefix, EJ0DXG will be QRV from IOTA EU-006, EU-007, EU-103 and EU-121 this summer. Starting … Continuer la lecture

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OH0/OH4SS – Aland Isl.

OH0/OH4SS – Aland Isl. May 18, 2018 Look for Matti, OH4SS and Voitto, OH3JVE to be active from Aland Islands as OH0/OH4SS during May 24-27, 2018. QRV on 80-6m. QSL via H/cs, LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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VK4DX/P – Russell Island, OC-137

VK4DX/P – Russell Island, OC-137 May 15, 2018 Mike, VK4DX informs DX-World that he will be QRV from Russell Island, OC-137 from 1-3 June 2018. He will have 100w rig and multi-band vertical with activity on both SSB and CW … Continuer la lecture

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PR5M – Mel Island, SA-047

PR5M – Mel Island, SA-047 May 7, 2018 An 8-man Brazilian team will be active from Mel Island SA-047 as PR5M during May 31 to June 3, 2018. QRV with 2 stations, HF bands. QSL via PP5BZ. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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OH0KA – Aland Islands

OH0KA – Aland Islands May 5, 2018 Ari, OH3KAV will be QRV as OH0KA from Eckerö, Åland Islands (EU-002) during May 6th to 11th, 2018. This will be a low profile, holiday style operation, mainly on HF bands using FT8 … Continuer la lecture

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VK5CE/6 – IOTA tour

[UPDATE] VK5CE/6 – IOTA tour May 5, 2018 Craig, VK5CE will be active as VK5CE/6 from the following islands: 1) 4 – 7 June 2018 – IOTA OC-199 East Lewis Island. 2) 8 – 11 June 2018 – IOTA OC-140 … Continuer la lecture

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KL7RRC/P – NA-234 Alaska

KL7RRC/P – Kagamil Island, NA-234 – Alaska May 3, 2018 Tim, NL8F and Yuri, N3QQ will be active from Kagamil Island, NA-234 as KL7RRC/P during May 23-27, 2018. QRV on 80-17m mostly CW, some SSB / FT8 if propagation allows. … Continuer la lecture

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TM5FI – Frioul Island EU-095

TM5FI – Frioul Island EU-095 May 1, 2018 Castres DX Gang” and “IDRE” members will operate TM5FI from Ratonneau Island EU-095 (Frioul Archipelago) between May 9-16, 2018. QRV from 80 to 6m; SSB, CW and Digi. QSL via F5XX. Version … Continuer la lecture

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YC8AO/P – OC-242

YC8AO/P – Bonerate &; Taka’Bonerate Islands, OC-242 April 23, 2018 Andi, YC8AO announces he will be active from the Bonerate and Taka’ Bonerate Islands OC-242 during April 25-30, 2018. QRV on HF bands. Rajuni Island (April 25-28) Tinabo Island (April … Continuer la lecture

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K4G – St. George Island, NA-085

K4G – St. George Island, NA-085 April 9, 2018 Wey, K8EAB will again be active as K4G from St George Island NA-085 during August 20-25, 2018 for the 4th year in a row. Full info here. St George Island webcam … Continuer la lecture

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Announcing IOTA activities

Announcing IOTA activities April 2, 2018 The new “Islands On The Air” website – unlike the old RSGB IOTA website – does not allow readers or users to upload or announce details of any particular island activities they may have … Continuer la lecture

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D44CH – Cape Verde

D44CH – Cape Verde March 31, 2018 David, CT1EKU is active from Sal Island, AF-086 as D44CH until April 6, 2018. QRV on HF bands, SSB and FT8. QSL via LoTW, eQSL. TAGS AF-086 Cape Verde D44CH Sal island Version … Continuer la lecture

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