Archives de catégorie : QSL

QSL preview – A70X (2018)

QSL preview – A70X (2018) January 14, 2018 A70X QSLs for 2018 activation now designed. Will be sent out in a few weeks. 2017 QSL preview can be found here Official A70X website here TAGS A70X AS-088 Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview – 3C0L & 3C1L

QSL preview – 3C0L & 3C1L November 30, 2017 Yuris, YL2GM informs: Our QSL cards are in the printing process. Soon QSLs for direct OQRS and sponsor QSOs will be mailed. On 10th of December also priority LoTW upload will … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview – VK9CI & VK9XI November 26, 2017 Cards expected to be sent out in next few weeks. (Tnx VK3FY). TAGS QSL VK9CI VK9XI Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le 26 Novembre 2017 Aperçu de la QSL … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview – VU7T

QSL preview – VU7T November 19, 2017 VU7T was active from Kavaratti, Lakshadweep during October 11-20, 2017. This is their QSL. TAGS QSL VU7T Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le 19 Novembre 2017 QSL preview – VU7T VU7T … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview – EL2BB

QSL preview – EL2BB November 5, 2017 Dave EI9FBB was recently active from Monrovia, Liberia as EL2BB making 1500 QSOs during 24 hours casual operating. TAGS EL2BB QSL Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Le 05 Novembre 2017 QSL … Continuer la lecture

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Software eQSL Downloader

Software eQSL Downloader If you are downloading a new version please remove the version first with Add/Remove programs in your control panel or « Programs and Features » in your control panel. Traduction Google : Si vous téléchargez une nouvelle … Continuer la lecture

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Télécharger les cartes eQSL

Télécharger en lots les cartes eQSL Petite application qui permet de télécharger en lots les cartes eQSL Remarque pour les utilisateurs de Windows 7: Sous Windows 7, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur l’exécutable et accédez à … Continuer la lecture

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S21ZED S21ZEE Bangladesh News QSL

S21ZED S21ZEE Bangladesh News QSL 2017-05-09 21:49:01 Short update about our status. Yesterday I received S21ZED and S21ZEE QSL cards. Look for pictures in attachment of this email. Plus d’info ICI… Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Brève mise … Continuer la lecture

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J5B J5W Guinea Bissau QSL

J5B J5W Guinea Bissau QSL 2017-04-20 23:38:27 In less than a week after our arrival from our last DXpedition to Guinea-Bissau as J5B & J5W (iota AF-020) we are pleased to show you the QSL card that is ready for … Continuer la lecture

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T31T Kanton Island DX Pedition QSL

T31T Kanton Island DX Pedition QSL 2016-11-15 20:59:13 T31T Kanton Island DX Pedition QSL. Plus d’info ICI… Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Les cartes QSL sont de belle qualité photographique pleine couleur.

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QSL Gallery

QSL Gallery 3DA0CC 3B9FR 5R8AL 4S7JTG 4S7NTG K5P 9Q0HQ A91HI CE0Y/W7YAQ S01WS FT4XU 2016-07-21 13:02:42 QSL Gallery 3DA0CC Swaziland, 3B9FR Rodrigues Island, 5R8AL Madagascar, 4S7JTG 4S7NTG Berberyn Island, K5P Palmyra Atoll, 9Q0HQ Democratic Republic of Congo, A91HI Hawar Island, CE0Y/W7YAQ … Continuer la lecture

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QSL Gallery

QSL Gallery 3DA0CC 3B9FR 5R8AL 4S7JTG 4S7NTG K5P 9Q0HQ A91HI CE0Y/W7YAQ S01WS FT4XU 2016-07-21 13:02:42 QSL Gallery 3DA0CC Swaziland, 3B9FR Rodrigues Island, 5R8AL Madagascar, 4S7JTG 4S7NTG Berberyn Island, K5P Palmyra Atoll, 9Q0HQ Democratic Republic of Congo, A91HI Hawar Island, CE0Y/W7YAQ … Continuer la lecture

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FT4JA QSL 2016-07-14 19:51:17 Many of you are wondering about the QSL, especially when they read that some other stations get them already. Views1420 Comments0 Plus d’info ICI… Texte en Français traduction google Beaucoup d’entre vous se demandent sur le … Continuer la lecture

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9M0Z îles Layang Layang îles Spratly! Attente de QSL!

9M0Z îles Layang Layang îles Spratly! Attente de QSL! 9M0Z Nouvelles 9 Juin 2016 Les demandes directes 9M0Z ont tous été placés sur LoTW. Les étiquettes sont en cours d’impression, en attendant l’arrivée des cartes QSL. Bien que ClubLog OQRS … Continuer la lecture

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QSL Corner – updates regularly

QSL Corner – updates regularly QSL Corner – updates regularly Tuesday May 31, 2016 3,241 comments › Simply a place to leave any QSL queries or matters you have. Tout simplement un endroit pour laisser toutes les questions de QSL … Continuer la lecture

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