Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

9N7WE & 9N7CI Népal

9N7WE & 9N7CI Népal May 1, 2022 NEWS UPDATE (source) We have high electromagnetic noise – stations are heard 15-25 dB worse then normal. It is very hard to make SSB and CW contact. Sometimes we have no electricity (up … Continuer la lecture

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[INFO] 3Y0J Bouvet

[INFO] 3Y0J Bouvet Apr 29, 2022 Past few days, team members of 3Y0J have been meeting up in Norway. They have been constructing and assembling some of the gear they will eventually take with them to Bouvet. Photos below taken … Continuer la lecture

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TO2AS Guadeloupe

TO2AS Guadeloupe Apr 29, 2022 Reiner, DL2AAZ will be active Guadeloupe (QTH: Basseterre Island, NA-102) as TO2AS during May 27 to June 10, 2022. QRV on 40-10m; CW, SSB. Radio: IC-706MK2, 300w PA and ground plane antenna. QSL via H/c. … Continuer la lecture

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HD8FG Îles Galápagos

HD8FG Galapagos Islands Apr 29, 2022 Look for Gustavo, HC2FG to be active as HD8FG from Santa Cruz island, Galapagos Islands, SA-004 during May 4-8, 2022. QRV only on 6m FT8 + satellites. QSL via H/c. Info de la Source … Continuer la lecture

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VU4W Andaman Islands

VU4W Andaman Islands Apr 29, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – This is actually solo DXpedition by YL2GM. Other DX publications mention local VU ops joining Yuris – this is incorrect. They are helping in the background. Meanwhile, here’s Yuris departing yesterday … Continuer la lecture

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VP2MDX Montserrat

VP2MDX Montserrat Apr 29, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – Next VP2MDX activity is planned for January 2 to March 31, 2023. DECEMBER 15, 2021 – Look for Thaire, W2APF to be active as VP2MDX from Garibaldi Hill, Montserrat, NA-103 during January … Continuer la lecture

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[QRT BIENTÔT] TX5N Îles Australes

[QRT SOON] TX5N Austral Islands Apr 28, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – Our plan is to take down antennas this morning (local time). We’ll keep two radios on the air during the take down, which will start at about 20:00z. Look … Continuer la lecture

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Radioamateur en Inde

Radioamateur en Inde OSCAR India a publié un certain nombre de vidéos Radioamateurs dans le pays . Qui peut être un opérateur Radioamateur (HAM) 0:00 OSCAR avec Aishi 0:10 Introduction à la radio HAM 0:41 Qu’est-ce que la radio amateur … Continuer la lecture

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L’école de Rio établira un contact Radioamateur

L’école de Rio établira un contact Radioamateur avec QO-100 via l’Antarctique Les étudiants de l’école navale de Rio établiront un contact via le transpondeur satellite géostationnaire QO-100 avec la station de recherche Neumayer III en Antarctique. Une traduction du message … Continuer la lecture

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Il y a 20 ans… c’est arrivé

20 years ago…this happened.. Apr 28, 2022 That’s right, K1B Baker Island DXpedition was taking place. The team consisted of 13 operators and they made almost 95000 QSOs – the highest number of contacts made by any KH1 DXpedition (there … Continuer la lecture

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Expressions d’intérêt pour les vêtements

DX-World clothing expressions of interest. Apr 27, 2022 Hey everyone, With big international Ham Radio Fairs coming up, now’s the time to place your order for some iconic and stylish DX-World clothing! Starting early May, the following beautifully embroidered items … Continuer la lecture

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Spectacle du ciel du matin

Spectacle du ciel du matin – Vénus et Jupiter convergent cette semaine C’est une excellente semaine pour se réveiller tôt et regarder les planètes. Vénus et Jupiter convergent pour une conjonction spectaculaire à l’aube. Vendredi matin, ils seront si proches … Continuer la lecture

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3B8/OM5ZW Mauritius

3B8/OM5ZW Mauritius Apr 27, 2022 [REMINDER] Lubo, OM5ZW informs DX-World that he will be active from Mauritius as 3B8/OM5ZW during April 29 to May 6, 2022. QRV holiday-style operation on 80-10m; CW, SSB, RTTY & FT8. QSL via OQRS. Info … Continuer la lecture

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Apprendre l’électronique en le faisant

Apprendre l’électronique en le faisant simplement Apprendre quelque chose de nouveau, en particulier d’aussi large et de grande envergure que l’électronique, peut être difficile. [IMSAI Guy] le sait car on lui demande régulièrement ‘comment puis-je apprendre l’électronique ?’ Beaucoup d’entre … Continuer la lecture

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GS3PYE/P Île de Skye, EU-008

GS3PYE/P Isle of Skye, EU-008 Apr 27, 2022 After a 2 year delay due to Covid, 14 members of the Camb-Hams (from Cambridge, England) plan to be active as GS3PYE/P from near Dunvegan on the Isle of Skye, Scotland from … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] TX5N Îles Australes

[QRV] TX5N Austral Islands Apr 26, 2022 NEWS UPDATE – Current plan is to pack non essential equipment beginning on Wednesday, April 27th, however we will operate the full 24 hours. On Thursday we will take down the antennas, we’ll … Continuer la lecture

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