Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

7P8RU – Lesotho

7P8RU – Lesotho Oct 24, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Many thanks to R7AL for the exclusive pictures of 7P8RU activity. Vasily says “everything is going well in Lesotho. All antennas up and running despite bad weather and strong winds. Two … Continuer la lecture

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EX0NN Kyrgyzstan

EX0NN Kyrgyzstan Oct 24, 2021 Val, US4MAO announces that starting January 2022 he will be active from Uzgen, Kyrgyzstan as EX0NN. He visits the country every 2-3 months and will QRV when time permits using verticals and Inv V antennas. … Continuer la lecture

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A47RS – Oman

A47RS – Oman Oct 24, 2021 Stathis, SV5DKL informs DX-World that he is going to run the 2021 CQWW SSB Contest from the amazing installation of ROARS in Muscat, Oman as A47RS and will participate in the SO Classic category … Continuer la lecture

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Stations de radio club DX-World

DX-World Radio Club Stations Oct 23, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – GS5DX will be active on 20m during various times from October 24-27, 2021.   RADIO CLUB STATION DX-World Radio Club was formed on September 18, 2019 with the principle aim … Continuer la lecture

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HD8R Galapagos Islands

HD8R Galapagos Islands Oct 24, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Photo shows the Tifariti DX Gang waiting on dinner to be served in Madrid ahead of their long flight to HC & HC8. (credit: @Proyecto4SA) OCTOBER 21 – The HD8R team … Continuer la lecture

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Pas de crédits IOTA pour 3D2CR

No IOTA credits for 3D2CR Oct 23, 2021 NEWS UPDATE III – By Cezar, VE3LYC, Deputy General Manager and Operations Manager (IOTA) Please don’t read more into the announcement made by the IOTA Team than is written there. This is … Continuer la lecture

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C5C – The Gambia

C5C – The Gambia Oct 23, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Here’s F5NVF & M0NPT on the way to Banjul for the C5C DXpedition via Barcelona. OCTOBER 20 – Early reminder this DXpedition begins on October 24. The team will now … Continuer la lecture

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AA4NC – S.K Oct 23, 2021 Sad news to report, that well known DX traveller and operator Will Roberts, AA4NC (SK) was killed in a plane crash Friday in North Carolina. Details can be found here. Many fellow operators will … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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la Radio expérimentale sans licence

La vérité sur les ondes longues : la Radio expérimentale sans licence Au cours des 125 années écoulées depuis que Marconi a effectué ses premières transmissions Radio, le spectre a été divisé en plages et bandes, dont la plupart sont … Continuer la lecture

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Contact espace Radioamateur à l’école

Contact espace Radioamateur à l’école dans la presse Newbury Today rapporte le contact Radioamateur entre les élèves de l’école Mary Hare et la Station spatiale internationale Le journal dit : L’histoire a été écrite à l’école Mary Hare cette semaine … Continuer la lecture

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La nouvelle catégorie CQ World Wide Youth

La nouvelle catégorie CQ World Wide Youth débutera les 30 et 31/10/2021 La nouvelle catégorie Jeunesse du concours CQ World Wide DX débutera du 30 au 31 octobre avec le week-end en phonie. La catégorie couvre les participants âgés de … Continuer la lecture

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La transmission de la Journée des Nations Unies

La transmission de la Journée des Nations Unies de la SAQ suédoise le 24/10/202 À l’occasion de la Journée des Nations Unies, le dimanche 24 octobre 2021, l’alternateur unique et historique d’Alexanderson à Grimeton en Suède, avec l’indicatif d’appel SAQ, … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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HD8R Galapagos Islands

HD8R Galapagos Islands Oct 21, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – The HD8R team will spend the night in Madrid on October 23 ready for the next day departure to Ecuador, arriving finally San Cristobal island at 19Z. Operations expected to begin … Continuer la lecture

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Un voyage dans le passé

A trip down memory lane Oct 21, 2021 In 2001, Solar Cycle 23 was peaking and solar activity was very high. On Oct. 19th of that year, giant sunspot AR9661 erupted twice in quick succession, producing almost identical X1.6-class solar … Continuer la lecture

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