Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

3DA0WW – Eswatin

3DA0WW – Eswatini Oct 13, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Team arrive in Eswatini OCTOBER 12 – The team has started the trip. The plan is to reach the QTH by October 13 evening. But it will be dark already. So … Continuer la lecture

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7P8Z – Lesotho

7P8Z – Lesotho Oct 13, 2021 Bernie, ZS4TX and John, ZS6JON will be active from Maseru, Lesotho as 7P8Z during October 16-17. They will focus on QO-100 operations. Direct QSLs via PA3CMC. LoTW later. Version traduite en Français via Google … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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Aurora action

Aurora action ! Oct 12, 2021 [SOURCE] As predicted, a CME hit Earth’s magnetic field on Oct. 12th. The impact at approximately 02:30 UT sparked a G2-class geomagnetic storm. Auroras spread across northern Europe, Iceland, Canada, and multiple northern-tier US … Continuer la lecture

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HV0A – Vatican

HV0A – Vatican Oct 12, 2021 The first activity on QO-100 will take place from the Vatican City on October 16th (between 08z to 16z). Ops will be IK0FVC, IK4CIE, IZ4VMA, IZ0BTV & I0JBL. QSL via IK0FVC.  Info de … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] 3DA0RU – Eswatini

[QRV] 3DA0RU – Eswatini Oct 12, 2021 NEWS UPDATE All planned antennas have been installed and workplaces have been set up. There were some casualties – one amplifier. At the moment, 2-3 CW / SSB radios and 3-4 radios in … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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VP2MSS – Montserrat

VP2MSS – Montserrat Oct 12, 2021 Team VP2MSS will be active from Montserrat during the ARRL DX CW Contest (February 19-20, 2022). QSL via K1QX or LoTW. Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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3DA0WW – Eswatini

3DA0WW – Eswatini Oct 12, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – The team has started the trip. The plan is to reach the QTH by October 13 evening. But it will be dark already. So the first QSOs could happen on October … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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S21DX – Manpura island, AS-140

S21DX – Manpura island, AS-140 Oct 11, 2021 UPDATE – As well as using FT8/FT4 during the expedition, the S21DX team also hope to run OQ-100. S21RC is currently testing his OQ-100 station. MARCH 22 – DX-World is very happy … Continuer la lecture

Publié dans Infos DX, IOTA, Trafic Radio, Trafic Radioamateur | Laisser un commentaire

KL7RRC – Kiska Island, NA-070

KL7RRC – Kiska Island, NA-070 Oct 11, 2021 Following this year’s cancellation of KL7RRC – Kiska Island, NA-070, the same team is going to try again next July 2022. Check out the full info here. Info de la Source * … Continuer la lecture

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ZS7ANF/RI60ANT – Antarctica

ZS7ANF/RI60ANT – Antarctica Oct 11, 2021 UPDATE – Oleg ZS1ANF will again be active from Wolf’s Fang Runway starting early December 2021. This time also expect some activity as RI60ANT. QSL via RZ3EC. JANUARY 24, 2021 – Oleg ZS1ANF (UA1PBA) … Continuer la lecture

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SV2RSG/A – Mt Athos

SV2RSG/A – Mt Athos Oct 11, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Reported yesterday on DX-World twitter, SV2RSG/A is again active from Mt Athos and will continue to be on/off until October 14th. Keep an eye on 20-30-40m CW. Reminder that JA … Continuer la lecture

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PJ6/PD1BAT – Saba

PJ6/PD1BAT – Saba Oct 11, 2021 Bart, PD1BAT occasionally visits Saba for work (he is a bat specialist) and when time permits is active as PJ6/PD1BAT using a Yaesu FT-818 and end-fed wire for 10-20-40m, mainly running FT8 and some … Continuer la lecture

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Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel

Propagation Ionosphérique en temps réel Info de la Source * ICI

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