Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

CT9/DF7EE & CQ3W Maderia

CT9/DF7EE & CQ3W Maderia Mar 16, 2021 Helmut, DF7EE informs that he hopes to be active from Maderia during March 20-31, 2021. Activity in the CQWPX SSB contest most likely as CQ3W (or CR3W) and QRV holiday-style outside the contests … Continuer la lecture

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Mouvement Rebel DX Group.

Rebel DX Group movement. Mar 15, 2021 The following was recently posted on the Rebel DX Group’s Facebook page Things are going slow during the pandemic, but we are going forward with our plans. After visiting South Africa 2 months … Continuer la lecture

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Jubilé international avec SRAL et la Finlande.

International Jubilee featuring SRAL and Finland. Mar 15, 2021 The Amateur Radio League of Finland (SRAL) is celebrating its 100th Anniversary. Finland is a small, modern Republic of 5 million inhabitants located on the very northern frontier of Europe. Finns … Continuer la lecture

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J42A – Greece

J42A – Greece Mar 15, 2021 Savas, SV2AEL will be active until the end of March with special call J42A. QRV on SSB, CW, RTTY, FT8, FT4 from 160m to 6m. Also, he will participate in the Russian DX Contest … Continuer la lecture

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9J2REK Zambia

9J2REK Zambia Mar 15, 2021 UPDATE – Look out for Brent, 9J2REK – an airline pilot based in Lilayi, Zambia who recently obtained his ham radio ticket. He runs a Yaesu FT-80C. Antenna is a fan dipole (20 and 40m) … Continuer la lecture

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RI0Q Bol’shoy Begichev, AS-152

RI0Q Bol’shoy Begichev, AS-152 Mar 15, 2021 MARCH 15 – In Russian, media film about RI0Q adventure below: MARCH 14 @ 17:00z – This is not our day. We got up at 8 am and departed the village. Blizzard did … Continuer la lecture

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[RAPPEL] A25RU – Botswana

[REMINDER] A25RU – Botswana Mar 15, 2021 MARCH 15 @ 0900z – The A25U license in hand. Antennas being installed. QRV later today / evening (their time). MARCH 13 @ 17:00Z – Team A25RU at Domodedovo airport, Moscow with 11 … Continuer la lecture

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FM/OQ3R & TO3F Martinique

FM/OQ3R & TO3F Martinique Mar 14, 2021 Marius, ON4RU hopes to be QRV from Martinique during May 23 to June 5, 2021. (QTH: FM5BH). Participation in the CQWPX CW contest as TO3F. Outside of contest active as FM/OQ3R on 160-10m, … Continuer la lecture

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RI0Q Bol’shoy Begichev, AS-152

RI0Q Bol’shoy Begichev, AS-152 Mar 14, 2021 MARCH 14 @ 17:00z – This is not our day. We got up at 8 am and departed the village. Blizzard did not stop, and after a kilometer Viktor’s snowmobile stalled – the … Continuer la lecture

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R7QR – Région Ingouchie, Russie

R7QR – Ingushetia Region, Russia Mar 14, 2021 RA9USU, RA3ATX, RC5A, R7QR and UA6QB are planning to operate from Ingushetia (separate P-150-C entity) during RDXC in MS or M2 category next weekend. Callsign will be R7QR. * Ingushetia is the … Continuer la lecture

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Informations concernant TY5M

Info regarding TY5M Mar 13, 2021 Michael, PA5M got in touch to say he would like to make clear that since his TY5M operation in 2004, he has never been active again from Benin. Recent spots for TY5M are fake. … Continuer la lecture

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QSL status JW/PA7MDJ

QSL status JW/PA7MDJ Mar 13, 2021 Info provided by Michael, PA7MDJ: Finally the QSL cards for my activity as JW/PA7MDJ from Svalbard in March 2020 are ready to go out via the QSL bureau, long overdue due to the Corona … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins, Semaine 11 2021  

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R1MJ & R1CBL Verperluda Island, EU-133

R1MJ & R1CBL Verperluda Island, EU-133 Mar 12, 2021 R1MJ and R1CBL will be active from Verperluda Island, EU-133 during March 13-14, 2021. QRV on 40 and 20m, mostly SSB. QSL via home calls, LoTW. Info de la Source * … Continuer la lecture

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Se souvenir de votre tout premier DX

Remembering your first ever DX Mar 12, 2021 This idea came from Eli, N6PF and we think it’s good. Who remembers their first ever DX contact or first ever DX station heard (as SWL). How elated were you to contact … Continuer la lecture

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La Belgique reprend les examens Radioamateur

Infos de l’I.B.P.T Bonjour à tous les YL et OM,La Belgique reprend les examens Radioamateur Veuillez noter qu’à partir de ce moment, le nouveau règlement d’examen sera en vigueur, voir la décision du 19 janvier 2021 fixant les règles et … Continuer la lecture

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