Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

JW/LB5SH & JW2T Svalbard

JW/LB5SH & JW2T Svalbard Feb 25, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Callsign JW2T will be used for CQ WPX SSB contest. FEBRUARY 21, 2021 – During the CQ WPX SSB contest (March 27-28, 2021), look for Stian, LB5SH to be active … Continuer la lecture

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RI01ANT Antarctica

RI01ANT Antarctica Feb 25, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – On February 13, Alexey returned to Progress Station from Vostok. He plans to remain there until March 24, then one more return to both Novolazarevskaya base and Bellingshausen base before finally leaving … Continuer la lecture

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1925 Macmillan / Byrd Arctic Navire

1925 Macmillan/Byrd Arctic Vessel WNP-WAP 24 Febbraio 2021 Sometimes, as in this case, Arctic and Antarctica are joined together in the bound by the invisible wire of radio waves . That WNP-WAP printed on a very old QSL card intrigues … Continuer la lecture

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Espagne – Don Bosco en Antarctique

Spain – Don Bosco in Antarctica as Patron of “Army Specialist Corps” 21 Febbraio 2021 How far and wide does Don Bosco go? Certainly up to the more than 130 countries on the five continents where the Salesians are present … Continuer la lecture

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ZS7ANF régulièrement sur 10115 +/-

ZS7ANF regularly on 10115 +/- from 19:00 UTC 19 Febbraio 2021 For those who had not yet the luck to work Oleg, ZS7ANF from the Wolf´s Fang Runway, would be useful to know that he is almost every day in … Continuer la lecture

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L’activité future de San Felix est peu probable

San Felix future activity unlikely Feb 24, 2021 Rolf DL7VEE reports the following: There is no hope for a CE0X operation at this time; either from San Felix or San Ambrosio due to restrictions from the military. Dino, CE3PG President … Continuer la lecture

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Images d’en-tête DX-World

DX-World Header Images Feb 24, 2021 We have never truly been happy with any of the header images since the new website was launched last year. Every few weeks we’d change them and again we have changed them today. Finally, … Continuer la lecture

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Parlons d’IOTA par VE3LYC

Let’s talk about IOTA by VE3LYC Feb 23, 2021 Forsyth Amateur Radio Club: Presentation this month was by Cezar Trifu (VE3LYC) on his travels and Islands On The Air (IOTA). The meeting was held on Zoom video conferencing software due … Continuer la lecture

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ZD8HZ Ascension Island

ZD8HZ Ascension Island Feb 23, 2021 UPDATE – Tev mentions that he still needs WY (Wyoming) for WAS. His log is updated regularly here FEBRUARY 9, 2021 – Many thanks to Tev ZD8HZ on Ascension Island for sending DX-World these … Continuer la lecture

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[REMINDER] ZD7PAS St Helena Feb 23, 2021   Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français via Google Translate [RAPPEL] ZD7PAS St Helena [3 NOVEMBRE 2020] David, ZD7DC et Daniel, ZD7DL dirigent le club de radio amateur … Continuer la lecture

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[RAPPEL] KH9 / NL7RR Wake Island

[REMINDER] KH9/NL7RR Wake Island Feb 23, 2021 JANUARY 17, 2021 – Starting mid-February 2021 (lasting 90 days), Tom is returning to Wake Island. Activity again expected on 40 / 20m SSB when time permits. NOVEMBER 2, 2020 – Tom, NL7RR … Continuer la lecture

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[À VENIR] PJ7AA St Maarten

[UPCOMING] PJ7AA St Maarten Feb 23, 2021 Tom, AA9A will again be active from Sint Maarten as PJ7AA between February 27 to March 27, 2021. QRV on 80-10m CW, SSB, Digi. All QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW and Club … Continuer la lecture

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[ANNULÉ] 3A/F4FRL et 3A/F5RBB Monaco

[CANCELLED] 3A/F4FRL & 3A/F5RBB Monaco Feb 22, 2021 Mireille, F4FRL and Patrice F5RBB will be active from Monaco as 3A/homecall during February 24th and March 2nd. Activity on 40-20 meters; SSB and the Digimodes. QSL via eQSL or LoTW. Info … Continuer la lecture

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J68HZ – St Lucia

J68HZ – St Lucia Feb 22, 2021 Look for K9HZ, WA4PGM and W0CN to be active as J68HZ during the ARRL DX SSB Contest (March 6-7, 2021). Bill, K9HZ (J68HZ) says: Looking forward to getting past COVID for a decent … Continuer la lecture

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JW/LB5SH Svalbard

JW/LB5SH Svalbard Feb 21, 2021 During the CQ WPX SSB contest (March 27-28, 2021), look for Stian, LB5SH to be active from Svalbard as JW/LB5SH. More info to follow..  Info de la Source * ICI Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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JW/DC8TM & JW/DF3TS Svalbard

JW/DC8TM & JW/DF3TS Svalbard Feb 21, 2021 Thomas, DC8TM and Martina, DF3TS will be active from Svalbard during April 10-13, 2022. QRV on SSB/FT8. This activity ties in with their North Pole expedition with details on that found here Info … Continuer la lecture

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