Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

VK9W Willis Island

VK9W Willis Island Feb 15, 2021 The dates for VK9 Willis are locked in. November 3rd to 13th 2021. MV Alfred Wallace departing Cairns Australia. Operators to date (5 ops so far) VK2IR, VK3YP, VK2RF, VK2OK, VK2PN. Additional operators TBA. … Continuer la lecture

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Modes numériques avec WSJT-X

Modes numériques avec WSJT-X Modes numériques avec WSJT-X Dan Maloney KC1DJT écrit sur Hackaday à propos de la suite logicielle WSJT-X qui prend en charge le mode numérique Radioamateur populaire FT8 Nous allons sauter en plongée profonde dans les techniques … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1554

A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1554 du 13/02/2021 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1554 du 13/02/2020! =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* BULLETIN ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH … Continuer la lecture

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Radio Garden

Radio Garden Feb 13, 2021 This is not ham radio, and we hadn’t heard of it before, but since it’s UN World Radio Day, we thought a good idea to post this link to a pretty neat website called Radio … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1554

A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1554 du 13/02/2021 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. Calendrier DX No 1554 du 13/02/2021 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH Direttore Responsabile … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins, Semaine 07 2021  

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P44W – Aruba

P44W – Aruba Feb 12, 2021 John, W2GD will be active from Aruba during February 14 – 23, 2021 as P44W. He will operate all bands as time permits with special focus on the ARRL DX CW Contest. QSL via … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7CQ Maldives

8Q7CQ Maldives Feb 12, 2021 UPDATE – Dates have again changed. This time activity is planned from September 29 to October 13, 2021. DECEMBER 24, 2020 – Nobby got in touch to say his planned expedition to the Maldives has … Continuer la lecture

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ZW2I Comprida Isl, SA-024

ZW2I Comprida Isl, SA-024 Feb 12, 2021 Members of Team PY2GMR (Scout Group) will be active from Comprida Island, SA-024 as ZW2I during February 19-22, 2021. This activity coincides with the 13th American Lighthouse Weekend. *Reminder that PR2IC will also … Continuer la lecture

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5R8AP & 5R8UX + autres Madagascar

5R8AP & 5R8UX + others Madagascar Feb 12, 2021 UPDATE II – 5R8SP also issued. Seems there will be lots of activity from Madagascar – eventually ! UPDATE I– 5R8BU & 5R8PB now issued. “” (run by 5R8UI) recently announced … Continuer la lecture

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[RAPPEL] 5VDE – Togo

[REMINDER] 5VDE – Togo Feb 11, 2021 Daniel, HB9EHD plans a return to Togo next month and will QRV again as 5VDE (correct call). He states the following for DX-World readers: The equipment is packed, the visas obtained and the … Continuer la lecture

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HH2AA – Haiti

HH2AA – Haiti Feb 11, 2021 David EB7DX is now the QSL manager for HH2AA including activities made by Lee, WW2DX. He has the complete logs if you need a QSL card from HH2AA. QSL preview shown.  Info de … Continuer la lecture

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Nouvelle entrée WAP-WADA

VP8AR Leith Harbour, South Georgia,WAP-WADA New Entry 10 February 2021 Thanks to Mehdi F5PFP for having shown an old QSL card of VP8AR who did operate from Leith Haurbour in 1950, WAP is happy to issue a reference number for … Continuer la lecture

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YD7RV/P Laut Kecil Islands, OC-268

YD7RV/P Laut Kecil Islands, OC-268 Feb 10, 2021 Dates and full info to be confirmed, but look for Ravie YD7RV/P and others to be active from Laut Kecil Islands, OC-268 in March 2021. Currently, Ravie resides on Laut Island OC-166. … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7SZ – Maldives

8Q7SZ – Maldives Feb 10, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – As expected, Sergei received his official callsign. 8Q7SZ active soon. FEBRUARY 7, 2021 – We suspect he will pick up his official 8Q7 license soon, but look for Sergei RU3AN to … Continuer la lecture

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ZD8HZ Ascension Island

ZD8HZ Ascension Island Feb 9, 2021 NEWS UPDATE – Many thanks to Tev ZD8HZ on Ascension Island for sending DX-World these pictures: Operations room !   Tev, ZD8HZ   Windom Antenna   DECEMBER 17, 2020 – Tev, TA1HZ has announced … Continuer la lecture

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