Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Cérémonie d’adieu pour ON4UN

Farewell Ceremony for ON4UN Nov 19, 2020 Dear amateur radio friends, I have been overwhelmed by the many heart-warming messages received from so many of you after my father’s passing. I am very grateful for all the stories and memories … Continuer la lecture

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P40W – Aruba

P40W – Aruba Nov 19, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – John, W2GD will again be QRV as P40W from Aruba, IOTA SA-036 during the period November 23 to December 1, 2020. Activity on HF bands CW only – some WARC activity … Continuer la lecture

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[MISE À JOUR] 7Q7RU Malawi

[UPDATE] 7Q7RU Malawi Nov 19, 2020 UPDATE – Vasily, R7AL reports that it was a good night on 160 – about 400 QSOs and half of them with NA. So far, there is only one beverage for Europe and therefore … Continuer la lecture

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LU7EHR/E Martin Garcia island

LU7EHR/E Martin Garcia island, SA-055 Nov 18, 2020 Hernan, LU7EHR informs DX-World that he will be active from Martin Garcia island, SA-055 during December 5-8, 2020. QRV on 80-2m, SSB & FT8. QSL via LoTW, eQSL. Full info on the … Continuer la lecture

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OH2BC installation EME InnovAntennas

OH2BC installation EME InnovAntennas 50 MHz OH2BC installe une grande matrice InnovAntennas 50 MHz De temps en temps, un système d’antenne vraiment spécial est installé et il résulte généralement du désir, de l’engagement et du dévouement … Lire la suite … Continuer la lecture

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LU7EHR/E Martin Garcia island

LU7EHR/E Martin Garcia island, SA-055 Nov 18, 2020 Hernan, LU7EHR informs DX-World that he will be active from Martin Garcia island, SA-055 during December 5-8, 2020. QRV on 80-2m, SSB & FT8. QSL via LoTW, eQSL. Full info on the … Continuer la lecture

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7Q7RU – Malawi

[UPDATE] 7Q7RU – Malawi Nov 18, 2020 Novembre 18 – Vasily, R7AL informs DX-World that there’s still high noise level at their QTH. They again seek another location with less noise for the remaining days left. The team was originally … Continuer la lecture

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JX2US – Jan Mayen

[UPDATE] JX2US – Jan Mayen Nov 18, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – In the next day or two, Erik will have made 10K QSOs from Jan Mayen. He’s also been quite active on 160m of late. A reminder that he is … Continuer la lecture

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Berg géant en collision avec la Géorgie

Giant berg on collision course with South Georgia 16 Novembre 2020 The colossus iceberg that split from Antarctica’s Larsen C ice shelf on 12 July 2017 is on a collision course with South Georgia. Over the last three years, satellite … Continuer la lecture

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DX bulletin du 16/11/2020

DX bulletin du 16/11/2020 AS-023 . Kenji, JA4GXS, sera à nouveau actif en tant que JA4GXS / 6 depuis l’île d’ Amami Oshima entre le 18 et le 20 décembre. L’activité sera sur 40-17 mètres en utilisant CW, SSB … … Continuer la lecture

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8-15/11/2020, 212 pays DXCC

8-15/11/2020, 212 pays DXCC étaient actifs. 8 au 15 novembre 2020, 212 ”pays DXCC” étaient actifs. 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4U1U, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, … Lire la suite … Continuer la lecture

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Groupe Hamnet à la nouvelle norme 802.11ac

Groupe Hamnet à la nouvelle norme 802.11ac Suisse USKA rapporte la section HB9ZG à Zoug est le premier groupe Hamnet en Suisse pour moderniser son infrastructure à la nouvelle norme IEEE de 802.11ac Röbi HB9BMC et Koni HB9WAD ont … … Continuer la lecture

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VK4DX/P Russell Island, OC-137

VK4DX/P Russell Island, OC-137 Nov 17, 2020 Simon, XW0LP updates DX-World to say that the Laos licensing department is not authorising 60m use. However, Simon’s previous ham licence only for 20m has now been extended to cover 160/80/40/30/17/15/12 and 10m … Continuer la lecture

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7Q7RU Malawi

7Q7RU Malawi Nov 16, 2020 NEWS UPDATE ON 160m Today, a radical decision was made to change the QTH; more precisely to install a third site for 160m on the northern outskirts of the village. A 6kW generator was purchased … Continuer la lecture

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Un peu sur DX-World

A little bit about DX-World Nov 16, 2020 We’ve noticed – through recent website statistics and analysis – there’s a whole lot of new readers visiting DX-World to find out the very latest DX news. Therefore, here’s a little recap … Continuer la lecture

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VK4DX/P Russell Island, OC-137

VK4DX/P Russell Island, OC-137 Nov 16, 2020 [REMINDER] Mike VK4DX informs DX-World that he will be active from Russell Island, OC-137 during November 19-24, 2020. QRV on 40-15m, CW & SSB; wire antennas / 100w. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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