Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Info Greece/Turkey earthquake

Info Greece/Turkey earthquake Oct 30, 2020 #Turkey #Greece #earthquake. As per previous earthquakes in the region, amateur radio emergency teams tend to operate on 7150 & 3777. will likely update.. — DX (@DX_World) October 30, 2020 A … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] TX0T Tatakoto Atoll

[QRV] TX0T Tatakoto Atoll (OC-298NEW) Oct 30, 2020 @02:48z – TX0T begins operations from OC-298NEW on 20CW. 40CW recording below by PA2LO.   OCTOBER 29 @ 16:45z – All my luggage is now checked in with big ‘Fragile’ stickers … Continuer la lecture

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Antenne à boucle magnétique

Antenne à boucle magnétique AL-705 pour Icom IC-705 La AL-705 est une nouvelle antenne cadre magnétique portable polyvalente d’Alpha Antenna. Dans le cadre d’un accord spécial avec Icom, l’AL-705 est désormais un produit partenaire officiel de notre nouvelle radio révolutionnaire, … Continuer la lecture

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YI9/IU5HWS Iraq Oct 28, 2020 NEWS UPDATE by Girogio, YI9WS Finally, I just received news from the MoC. Until December I will have the call (issued) YI9/IU5HWS and now just waiting for the official license. Updates will follow. SEPTEMBER 10, … Continuer la lecture

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Nouveau livre Radioamateur

Nouveau livre Radioamateur Nouveau livre Radioamateur Bonjour, je suis très heureux d’annoncer la sortie de mon 6e livre Radio amateur , « Test 12  Mesurer les performances Radioamateur sur un budget ». Il est disponible sur Amazon et sur Kindle. … Continuer la lecture

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VP8HAL Halley VI Base, Antarctique

VP8HAL Halley VI Base, Antarctica Oct 27, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Seba SQ1SGB will sail to Halley VI Base in December and hopes to be active for 5 weeks starting beginning of January 2021. Callsign might be SQ1SGB/VP8 (if VP8HAL … Continuer la lecture

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TX0T Atoll Tatakoto (OC-298NEW)

[UPDATE] TX0T Tatakoto Atoll (OC-298NEW) Oct 27, 2020 OCTOBER 26 – Back on track, for the time being! After an extensive search, I was able to find a farmacy which promised to do the regular test in record time, for … Continuer la lecture

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VP8 Licence de radio amateur

[UPDATE] Open Letter VP8 Amateur Radio Licensing Oct 27, 2020 NEWS – Non-resident lifetime Falkland Islands VP8 licences – common sense prevails. [read more..] OCTOBER 4, 2020 – The following are quotes from an open letter written by several high … Continuer la lecture

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[QRT SOON] Z66DX Kosovo Oct 27, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – After 13 days of intensive operation our expedition is coming to an end. The crew is still highly motivated, the equipment and antennas have been working reliably and without failures … Continuer la lecture

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[ANNULÉ] JX0X – Jan Mayen

[CANCELLED] JX0X – Jan Mayen Oct 26, 2020 CANCELLED – It is with a heavy heart that we for various reasons hereby cancel the JX0X Dxped. While we worked hard for 18 months to secure the entry permit, the permit … Continuer la lecture

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QSL preview JW/LB1QI Oct 26, 2020 Erwann, LB1QI was recently active from Svalbard as JW/LB1QI. He made over 3700 QSOs and the log is here. Meanwhile, the paper QSL design is ready for the print shop and is shown here. … Continuer la lecture

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Un développeur WSJT-X exprime

Un développeur WSJT-X exprime sa perplexité face à l’utilisation du concours FT8 Un développeur WSJT-X exprime sa perplexité face à l’utilisation du concours FT8 L’ARRL rapporte que le co-développeur de WSJT-X, Joe Taylor, K1JT , a récemment exprimé sa perplexité … Continuer la lecture

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8Q7CQ Maldives

8Q7CQ Maldives Oct 24, 2020 Nobby, G0VJG informs DX-World that he will be QRV from Reethi Faru resort, Maldives during January 14-29, 2021. QRV on SSB and Digi; 80-10m. He hopes to again be active as 8Q7CQ, but still waiting … Continuer la lecture

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TX0T Tatakoto Atoll (OC-298NEW)

TX0T Tatakoto Atoll (OC-298NEW) Oct 24, 2020 OCTOBER 24 – Good news: the result of the covid-19 test I undertook yesterday was posted today on the specialize website and it is negative! OCTOBER 22 – In order to comply with … Continuer la lecture

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Changement d’heure D’Hiver 2020

Changement d’heure D’Hiver 2020 Attention passage à l’heure d’hiver ce week-end, peut-être pour la dernière fois

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 43  

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