Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

TM2U – Saint Marcouf Island

TM2U – Saint Marcouf Island, EU-081 Aug 20, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Due to forecast rough seas, the team have delayed their landing by 24 hours. They will now depart for the island this Saturday (not Friday). A Belgian team … Continuer la lecture

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Un nouveau concours a été annoncé

Un nouveau concours a été annoncé qui égalisera les règles du jeu entre les Big Guns et les Little Pistols Un nouveau concours a été annoncé qui égalisera les règles du jeu entre les Big Guns et les Little Pistols … Continuer la lecture

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4L/G4ENL – Georgia

4L/G4ENL – Georgia Aug 18, 2020 Peter, G4ENL informs: After leaving Rwanda (QRV as 9X9PJ) I am now in Georgia again working on major hydro-power development. It’s a beautiful country, friendly people with a great and ancient tradition. My station … Continuer la lecture

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Nouvelle station DX-World Radio Club

DA0DX – New DX-World Radio Club Station, Germany Aug 17, 2020 We’ve been trialling various UK callsigns associated with DX-World Radio Club and it appears to be generating good interest. So far GC5DX, GH5DX, GN5DX, GS5DX and GX5DX have been … Continuer la lecture

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Katrina & Rita 15e anniversaire

K5R – 15th Anniversaries of Hurricanes Katrina & Rita. Aug 17, 2020 HURRICANE KATRINA On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina slammed into the coastal areas of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi as a Category Four hurricane. With winds over 130 mph … Continuer la lecture

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[ANNULÉ] 8Q7QR Maldives

[CANCELLED] 8Q7QR Maldives Aug 17, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – Unfortunately, due to Covid pandemic, Yosuke, JJ1DQR (from DX-World Japan) informs his planned DXpedition from the Maldives is now cancelled; his flights are cancelled too. JUNE 23, 2020 – Yosuke, JJ1DQR … Continuer la lecture

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JA8COE/8 Yagishiri Isl, AS-147

JA8COE/8 Yagishiri Isl, AS-147 Aug 17, 2020 Taka, JA8COE will again be active from Yagishiri Island AS-147 during June 23-25, 2017. QRV on HF bands; CW, SSB, RTTY. QSL via H/c, Club Log OQRS.  Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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SP3DOI – S.K Aug 16, 2020 Sad news received earlier today informing that well known DXpeditioner, Les SP3DOI, has tragically died in a private airplane crash. RIP. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate SP3DOI – S.K Triste nouvelle reçue … Continuer la lecture

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JX0X Jan Mayen

JX0X Jan Mayen DXpedition 2021 Aug 16, 2020 The JX0X DXpedition logo JULY 21, 2020 Just to clarify to any presumptive sponsors, do not worry about COVID or any other uncertainties. We are more than 14 months away from … Continuer la lecture

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IA5MO Giglio Island, EU-028

IA5MO Giglio Island, EU-028 Aug 16, 2020 A team from ARI Modena will be active as IA5MO from Giglio Island, EU-028 during September 3-8, 2020. QRV on HF bands, CW/SSB/Digi. QSL via IK4ALM (direct / buro). Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 33  

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Aasiaat Island, NA-134

OX3LX – Aasiaat Island, NA-134 Aug 15, 2020 Bo, OX3LX informs that he will be active (when time permits) from Aasiaat Island NA-134 during August 24 to September 20, 2020. QRV on 40-4m (main focus 50 & 70Mhz). He says … Continuer la lecture

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YN5AO – Nicaragua

[POSTPONED] YN5AO – Nicaragua Aug 15, 2020 Robert, DL7VOA plans activity from Guacalito de la Isla, Nicaragua as YN5AO during November 21 to December 5, 2020. QRV holiday-style with participation in the CQWW CW contest. Focus on low bands, CW. … Continuer la lecture

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OJ0JR Market Reef

OJ0JR Market Reef Aug 14, 2020 Henri, OH3JR plans to be active from from Market Reef (EU-053) as OJ0JR during August 15-21, 2020. QRV in his spare time (he helps with maintenance of lighthouse whilst there) on 80-10m, CW/FT8 and … Continuer la lecture

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5Z4J – Kenya

5Z4J – Kenya Aug 14, 2020 John, ZS5J (also C91J, A25J, 7P8/ZS5J) mentions the following: After a long wait – I have been living and working in Kenya for 3 years – I finally received approval for a full Kenyan … Continuer la lecture

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Nouvelles bandes de 8 m et 5 m

Nouvelles bandes de 8 m et 5 m ajoutées au site Web populaire de PSK Reporter Nouvelles bandes de 8 m et 5 m ajoutées au site Web populaire de PSK Reporter Grâce aux efforts de Tim EI4GNB , les … Continuer la lecture

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