Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Actualités sur VKØIR Heard Island 1997

News about VKØIR Heard Island 1997 Jul 29, 2020 Bob, KK6EK got in touch recently, first of all with some warm words for DX-World and then interesting news / links on the 1997 Heard Island DXpedition. I was so pleased … Continuer la lecture

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DXCC Most Wanted 2020

DXCC Most Wanted 2020 2020-07-27 21:14:06 DXCC Most wanted countries 2020 Club Log version. Updated 27 July 2020. Plus d’info ICI… Version traduite en via Google Translate DXCC Pays les plus recherchés Version du journal du club 2020. Mis à … Continuer la lecture

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JX0X Jan Mayen News

JX0X Jan Mayen News 29 July 2020 Jan Mayen Island. Author – Harold Moses. Just to clarify some additional questions regarding the « full refund promise » we earlier gave, in case the expedition will not take place of COVID or some … Continuer la lecture

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OJ0/OH3BRJ OJ0/OH3BRK. Where is Market Island OJ0/OH3BRJ and OJ0/OH3BRK will be active from Market Island, (Market Reef), IOTA EU – 053, 6 – 7 August 2020. They will operate on 80 – 6m, SSB, RTTY, FT8, FT4. Market Island, Market … Continuer la lecture

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Annonce de subvention NCDXF – JX0X

NCDXF grant announcement – JX0X Jul 28, 2020 The Northern California DX Foundation is pleased to announce it is granting $5,000 to the JX0X 2021 Jan Mayen Island DXpedition planned for September/October 2021. Jan Mayen Island is inhigh demand on … Continuer la lecture

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8P9QC – Barbados

8P9QC – Barbados Jul 28, 2020 Mathieu, VA2MVR is currently living in Pine Gardens, Barbados and is active as 8P9QC from time to time on 40 & 20m using a dipole sloping from a coconut tree (see picture). QRV until … Continuer la lecture

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XW2DX – Laos

XW2DX – Laos Jul 28, 2020 UPDATE – Mike has started a “live journal” depicting life in Laos together with some ham radio musings. Read more here. JULY 19, 2020 – Mike, UA0XB is licensed as XW2DX and will be … Continuer la lecture

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LA7GIA/P Nordland, EU-062 & Lofoten, EU-076

LA7GIA/P Nordland, EU-062 & Lofoten, EU-076 Jul 28, 2020 A recent tweet from DX-World informing that world traveller and well know DXpeditioner, Ken LA7GIA, is currently travelling to IOTA EU-062 & EU-076. @LA7GIA is on his travels to EU-076 (Lofoten) … Continuer la lecture

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OJ0/OH3BRJ & OJ0/OH3BRK Market Reef

OJ0/OH3BRJ & OJ0/OH3BRK Market Reef Jul 28, 2020 Thanks to Tommi, OH3BRJ for providing DX-World with the following info: Operating with two ICOM-7300’s on 80-6m using SSB, RTTY, FT-8 and FT-4 are OH3BRJ Tommi (father) and OH3BRK Valtteri (son), possibly … Continuer la lecture

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DX-World QSL du jour

DX-World QSL of the Day Jul 28, 2020 Hey DXers & SWLs! UPDATE: After my appeal below for additional QSL scans, now there’s plenty more arrived in the inbox. Keep them coming! “DX-World QSL of the Day” has proved to … Continuer la lecture

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[UPDATE] OA9DVK Peru Jul 27, 2020 QRT. I announce my qrt for awhile. This morning all three antennas got broken, one of the poles broke and got parted into pieces. the 2 endfeds were teared off because of the tension … Continuer la lecture

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J88PI – Grenadines

J88PI – Grenadines Jul 27, 2020 Brian GW4DVB announces he will again be operating as J88PI from Palm Island NA-025 (Grenadines) next year. QRV 40-6m, mainly SSB & FT8. QSL via H/c. Dates: July 23 to August 8, 2021. Webpage … Continuer la lecture

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RU0LL/P, AS-066

Information RU0LL/P, AS-066 Concours Durante el IOTA Sergey -R0LS, Yuri -R0MZ, Alex – RU0LL et Sergey – RW0LZ, ses activos encuentran depuis Reyneke Is. AS-066 en categoría Multi-Op. QSL via IK2DUW. Remarque: rappelez-vous que le concours IOTA se réserve le … Continuer la lecture

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SV8/IK6QON – Corfu Island

SV8/IK6QON – Corfu Island – Greece

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XW2DX Laos

XW2DX Laos

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