Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

6K2CEW/4 – Pogil Island, AS-085

DS2GOO/4 – 6K2CEW/4 – Pogil Island, AS-085 Jun 4, 2020 Han, DS2GOO and Lee, 6K2CEW will be active from Pogil Island AS-085 between 9th and 11th June 2020. QRV on 80-6m; CW/SSB/FT8 with 100w and wire antennas. QSL via H/cs. … Continuer la lecture

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Ecoute des stations de radio BCL

Ecoute des stations de radio BCL Voici le Guide de la Radio, vous trouverez les fréquences, des informations etc des radios francaises. Rubriques radio: Fréquences FM ville par ville : toutes les radios de 176 villes … Lire la suite … Continuer la lecture

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F2DX jouant avec une caméra 360

F2DX playing with a 360 camera Jun 1, 2020 Patrick, F2DX says: There are classic cameras (I already have 6 + one on the drone), and a new generation of 360 cameras that I wanted to acquire to diversify my … Continuer la lecture

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VP8HDM/A Falkland Islands

VP8HDM/A Falkland Islands May 30, 2020 This year, due to Coronavirus, operators in the Falkland Islands will be active as VP8HDM/A (from alternative locations) during the International Museums Weekend. “HDM” suffix = Historical Dockyard Museum. More info here. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 22  

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EIDXG Summer Challenge 2020

EIDXG Summer Challenge 2020 May 29, 2020 Beginning June 1st through August 30th, simply accumulate as many DXCCs, CQ WAZ, participating EIDXG members and EI/GI counties as possible. Each one only counting once regardless of which Band or Mode you … Continuer la lecture

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4U1UN – Siège des Nations Unies

4U1UN – United Nations Headquarters May 27, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – James K2QI, President of United Nations Radio Club (UNARC) reports that on June 6 & 7, 2020, the U.N. HQ station 4U1UN will be QRV in support of the … Continuer la lecture

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Pourquoi J20DX a-t-il échoué ?

Why did J20DX fail ? May 26, 2020 Remember the J20DX non-DXpedition from 2019 ? Want to hear exactly what happened from the comfort and safety of your shack whilst on Covid-19 lockdown? In conjunction with GM6NX and, on … Continuer la lecture

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CY0C – Sable Island

CY0C – Sable Island May 25, 2020 Many have asked about the impact COVID-19 could have to the Sable Island Dxpedition scheduled for October. We are routinely in contact with Parks Canada and cautiously optimistic for October at this time. … Continuer la lecture

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P40US, P4/N4IQ & P4/ND7J Aruba

P40US, P4/N4IQ & P4/ND7J Aruba May 25, 2020 Bill N4IQ and Bob ND7J will be active from Aruba during July 7-14, 2021. QRV primarily for the IARU contest as P40US. Some activity outwith contest as P4/N4IQ & P4/ND7J. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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YN5AO – Nicaragua

YN5AO – Nicaragua May 24, 2020 Robert, DL7VOA plans activity from Guacalito de la Isla, Nicaragua as YN5AO during November 21 to December 5, 2020. QRV holiday-style with participation in the CQWW CW contest. Focus on low bands, CW. No … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 21  

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KL7RRC -Adak Island, NA-039 -Alaska

KL7RRC -Adak Island, NA-039 -Alaska May 18, 2020 KL7RRC (Russian Robinson Club) will be active from Adak Island, NA-039 during September 11-18, 2020. This activity follows their Kisha island NA-070 DXpedition. QRV on HF; CW, SSB & FT8. QSL via … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 20  

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Temple de la renommée de la radio amateur

Amateur Radio Hall of Fame May 15, 2020 The CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame honors those individuals, whether licensed hams or not, who have made significant contributions to amateur radio; and those amateurs who have made significant contributions either … Continuer la lecture

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DX-World QSL du jour

DX-World QSL of the Day May 15, 2020 Hey DXers! The eagle-eyed reader will have seen a new feature called “DX-World QSL of the Day”. It’s self-explanatory and requires your help to make it work. All you have to do … Continuer la lecture

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