Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur


[CANCELLED] V31FX Belize By DX-World March 29, 2020 Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the training is cancelled FEBRUARY 22, 2020 – This station will be operating from the jungle from different locations with different antennas on 20m phone using military … Continuer la lecture

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Les Infos de ON3WP

Les Infos de ON3WP   Bulletins Radioamateurs, Semaine 13  

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[UPDATE] VK9NC, VK9NE & VK9NG Norfolk Island By DX-World March 27, 2020 NEWS UPDATE – SP7VC, QSL manager of  VK9NE, VK9NC and VK9NG informs that international mail from Poland does not work. All envelopes and packages are sent back with … Continuer la lecture

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[CANCELLED] V6TOPG2020 F.S.M By DX-World March 27, 2020 Yes, the callsign is correct! Hari, JA1XGI announces the following: I will be active from Federated State of Micronesia using callsign V6TOPG2020. This is A commemorative call for the Tokyo Olympic and … Continuer la lecture

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[CANCELLED] 8Q7KB Maldives

[CANCELLED] 8Q7KB Maldives By DX-World March 27, 2020 Kasimir, DL2SBY will be active from Meedhupparu Island, Maldives as 8Q7KB during May 4-12, 2020. QRV on 80-6m; CW, SSB, Digi. QSL via DL2SBY, LoTW, Club Log OQRS. Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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>[CANCELLED] A25VR Botswana

[CANCELLED] A25VR Botswana By DX-World March 27, 2020 David, VE7VR will be active from Botswana as A25VR during May 1-22, 2020. QRV on 40-20m, low power, holiday-style. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate [ANNULÉ] A25VR – … Continuer la lecture

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Turquie Sensibilisation au COVID-19

TC1STAYHOME – Turkey / COVID-19 Awareness By DX-World March 26, 2020 This is a special event callsign for the awareness of COVID-19 pandemic. For a couple of weeks; stay home, stay safe please. We’ll be on air between 27.03.2020-25.05.2020. Hope … Continuer la lecture

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V31HQ brûlé – aide nécessaire.

V31HQ burned down help needed. By DX-World March 26, 2020 Marc, V31MA writes to inform that, very sadly, the Belize Amateur Radio Club shack (V31HQ) has burned down. Nobody was injured, however Andre V31DL (owner of the shack) lost all … Continuer la lecture

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Changement à l’heure d’été

Changement à l’heure d’été du 28 au 29/03/2020 Le passage à l’heure d’été se déroulera dimanche 29 mars 2020 à 2 heures du matin. Il faudra ajouter 60 minutes à l’heure légale. Il sera alors 3 heures. Le changement d’heure … Continuer la lecture

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[EN ATTENTE] VK5KI – Île Kangourou

[ON HOLD] VK5KI – Kangaroo Island, OC-139 By DX-World March 25, 2020 Kangaroo Island, the largest island in the OC-139 group, will be activated by a small group of amateurs from Adelaide between 22-28th July 2020 from Emu Bay on … Continuer la lecture

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Intrepid Spirit Award

Intrepid Spirit Award K3EL & K5GS at VP8PJ with DX-World Flag (thanks guys!) By DX-World March 24, 2020 Press Release: Annual Intrepid Spirit Award goes to the VP8PJ Team: The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce the recipients of the … Continuer la lecture

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[ANNULÉ] J88PI Grenadines

[CANCELLED] J88PI Grenadines By DX-World March 24, 2020 Brian GW4DVB will again be casually operating as J88PI from Palm Island NA-025 (Grenadines) between April 6-14, 2020. QRV 40-6m, mainly SSB & FT8. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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La rencontre avec Danny Weil, VP2VB

Meeting Danny Weil, VP2VB was a rich experience. By DX-World March 24, 2020 Digging into the past of the first multi-hopping DXpeditioner Danny Weil, VP2VB was another rich piece of history. Spending time in his home; Road Town of Tortola, … Continuer la lecture

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IC-R8600, nouveau récepteur de ICOM

IC-R8600, nouveau récepteur de ICOM L’IC-R8600 est un nouveau récepteur de communication avancé avec la capacité de couvrir une vaste gamme de spectre radioélectrique de 10 kHz à 3 GHz ainsi que de décoder des … Lire la suite Info … Continuer la lecture

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Future Djibouti DXpeditions..

Future Djibouti DXpeditions.. By DX-World March 23, 2020 I recently chatted with the Head of Radio and Frequencies in Djibouti. I had made acquaintance with this gentleman while organising and planning the ill-fated J20DX Dxpedition in 2019. We also met … Continuer la lecture

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VP2V/W9DR British Virgin Islands

[CANCELLED] VP2V/W9DR British Virgin Islands By DX-WorldMarch 23, 2020 Dave, W9DR will be operating from the north shore of Anegada in the British Virgin Islands between June 17-24, 2020 as VP2V/W9DR on 6 meters. Activity on 50.115 Mhz SSB and … Continuer la lecture

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