Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

XW4XR – Laos

XW4XR – Laos By DX-World – October 14, 2019 Bruce, AA4XR (3W3B) will again be active again from Laos as XW4XR between December 4-14, 2019. QRV on 40-6m, CW/RTTY/FT8. QSL via E21EIC/LoTW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate XW4XR … Continuer la lecture

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V31GX – Belize

V31GX – Belize By DX-World – December 2, 2019 Iain, G4SGX will again be active from Belize as V31GX during the 2020 BERU contest (March 14-15). Activity mostly on 160m after the contest. QSL via LoTW. Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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VK2IAY/4 Heron Island OC-142

VK2IAY/4 Heron Island OC-142 By DX-World – December 2, 2019 MAY 11, 2019 — Steve VK2IAY/4 will be active from Heron Island OC-142 during December 2-9, 2019. QRV mainly on 20m SSB (14:260 +/- QRM). QSL via G0UIH. Version traduite … Continuer la lecture

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[EMC] EURAO Newsletter December 2019

European Radio Amateurs’ Organization the open global radio amateurs community Amateur Radio News… EURAO Newsletter December 2019 In this issue you will find: WRC-19: better than expected for Amateur Radio EURAO now on LinkedIn EANET Sprint Contest 2019: final results … Continuer la lecture

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[Rappel] XT2AW Burkina Faso

[REMINDER] XT2AW Burkina Faso By DX-World – December 1, 2019 MAY 12, 2019 — Harald, DF2WO will again be active from Burkina Faso as XT2AW during December 2-20, 2019. QRV on HF, Digi/CW/SSB. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate … Continuer la lecture

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Qu’est-il arrivé à ‘Ham Spirit’?

What happened to “Ham Spirit”? By DX-World – December 1, 2019 By Frank F4AJQ, Team Leader E44CC [translated..] I would like to come back to the spirit that all expedition organizers must have. Very often we try to work on … Continuer la lecture

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Le Code morse et vous

Le Code morse et vous Le Code morse et vous Avec la disponibilité croissante de nouveaux modes de communication à travers le monde, de la voix numérique telle que CODEC2 aux modes de signaux faibles … Lire la suite Info … Continuer la lecture

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Radio amateur et l’esprit de Noël

Radio amateur et l’esprit de Noël Radio amateur et l’esprit de Noël Bonjour, je suis Geoff Emery, VK4ZPP, et j’ai réfléchi. Il semble que, tandis que les taches solaires jouent à cache-cache, la propagation de la … Lire la suite … Continuer la lecture

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E44RU – Palestine

E44RU – Palestine By DX-World – November 30, 2019 Russian Robinsons” plan their next expedition. This time they’ll QRV from Palestine as E44RU with strong focus on low bands. More info: Version traduite en Français via Google Translate E44RU … Continuer la lecture

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C56BR – The Gambia

C56BR – The Gambia By DX-World – November 30, 2019 Carlo ON4BR will be active from the Gambia as C56BR during December 1-14, 2019. QRV holiday-style on CW/SSB/FT8. QSL via H/c. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate C56BR – … Continuer la lecture

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V6K Kosrae Island, OC-059

[REMINDER] V6K Kosrae Island, OC-059 By DX-World – November 30, 2019 Haru, JA1XGI will again be active from Kosrae Island OC-059 as V6K during December 2-9, 2019. QRV on 160-20m using mainly CW with some RTTY & FT8. QSL via H/c. … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1491

A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1491 du 30/11/2019 Mauro Pregliasco A.R.I. : Bulletin DX News 425 N°1491 du 30/11/2019! =========================== *** 4 2 5  D X N E W S *** ****DX INFORMATION **** =========================== Edited by  I1JQJ & … Continuer la lecture

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5N7Q – Nigeria

5N7Q – Nigeria By DX-World – November 29, 2019 UPDATE from Bodo, DF8DX. 5N7Q is QRT for now. Rene DL2JRM and Bodo DF8DX enjoyed this activity very much. We logged more than 20,000 QSOs in 9 days of operation. We … Continuer la lecture

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A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1491

A.R.I. : Calendrier DX News 425 N°1491 du 30/11/2019 Mauro Pregliasco   A.R.I. Calendrier DX No 1491 du 30/11/2019 =========================== *** 4 2 5 D X N E W S *** ******* CALENDAR ******* =========================== Edited by I1JQJ IK1ADH Direttore … Continuer la lecture

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V26FP – Antigua

V26FP – Antigua By DX-World – November 29, 2019 Flavio, IW2NEF will be active from Antigua as V26FP during Match 6-13, 2020. QRV on HF bands, SSB/Digi. QSL via IK2DUW. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate V26FP – Antigua … Continuer la lecture

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5I4ZZ & 5I5TT Tanzania

5I4ZZ & 5I5TT Tanzania By DX-World November 29, 2019 During February 4-18, 2020 the Italian DXpedition Team will be active from Zanzibar Island, AF-032, Tanzania using two callsigns: 5I5TT for CW, SSB & RTTY.5I4ZZ for FT8 & FT4. The team … Continuer la lecture

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