Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Imformations RADIO DARC

Version traduite en Français via Google Translate RADIO DARC avec une émission spéciale célébrant les 100 ans de la radiodiffusion    Le 29 octobre, la radiodiffusion en Allemagne fêtera ses 100 ans. « A cette occasion, la rédaction de RADIO … Continuer la lecture

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Informations T2C – Tuvalu

Informations T2C – Tuvalu 25 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The remaining six men on the team exceeded the 100,000 QSO mark. They are QRV from 60 to 6m with three stations 24 hours a day and will take part … Continuer la lecture

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Activation SSTV depuis l’ISS

Activation SSTV depuis l’ISS pour la période du 27/10 au 01/11   24 octobre 2023   L’activation de la SSTV, depuis ISS, pour un nouveau test du matériel, serait prévue en 2 temps.   Premier slot :– du 27/10 au … Continuer la lecture

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Informations YJ0TT – Vanuatu

Informations YJ0TT – Vanuatu 25 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 2145Z] – YJ0TT team had earlier arrived in Fiji before getting next flight to Port Vila. Picture credit K6VHF for DX-WORLD readers. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français … Continuer la lecture

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Informations PZ5TW – Suriname

Informations PZ5TW – Suriname 25 octobre 2023 [REMINDER] – Renato, PY8WW announces that he will be active from Suriname as PZ5TW during October 25 to November 3. Participation in the CQWW SSB contest. QSL via H/c. License below. Club Log … Continuer la lecture

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V63CB – Pohnpei, F.S.M

Informations V63CB – Pohnpei, F.S.M 25 octobre 2023 [REMINDER] – Miki, JJ2CJB will participate in the CQWW SSB contest (October 28-29) from Pohnpei, F.S.M as V63CB. QSL via LoTW / direct to home call. Some activity before / after contest … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] E51JAN – North Cook

Informations [QRV] E51JAN – North Cook 25 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Jan reports his amplifier arrived today and now hopes to give weaker stations an ATNO. Remember his amplifier never made it onto the aircraft to Manihiki a week … Continuer la lecture

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VP5/WQ7X – Turks & Caicos

Informations VP5/WQ7X – Turks & Caicos 23 octobre 2023 Mark, WQ7X is again active from Providenciales, Turks & Caicos as VP5/WQ7X until October 28th. QRV on 80-10m; CW & SSB using 16ft vertical placed in the sea. QSL via H/c. … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7IO – Chatham Islands

Informations ZL7IO – Chatham Islands 23 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Holger, ZL3IO / ZL7IO writes: Everything is packed and ready for my next trip to Chatham. The flight is on the 25th Sep and I will be there for … Continuer la lecture

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V6SX – Chuuk, F.S.M

Informations V6SX – Chuuk, F.S.M 23 octobre 2023 [UPDATE] – Two of our group members have been working hard to build antennas for all bands, 160 through 6. At this moment 10m VDA, 20m HEX and BigIR are finished and … Continuer la lecture

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Informations ZF2GP – Cayman Brac

Informations ZF2GP – Cayman Brac 23 octobre 2023 Joining Rich, NN3W (ZF2RD) for the CQWW SSB contest from Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands will be Jon, KL2A who will sign ZF2GP before / after the contest mainly on CW. They will … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 5H3FM – Zanzibar, Tanzanie

Informations 5H3FM – Zanzibar, Tanzania 23 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Ferdy, HB9DSP is returning to Zanzibar, Tanzania and provides DX-WORLD with the following info: QTH: Sweet Beach Bungalow, Jambiani, Zanzibar. Callsign: 5H3FM. Dates: 24 November to 5 December 2023. … Continuer la lecture

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A25RU – Botswana 2023

Informations A25RU – Botswana 2023 22 octobre 2023 [REMINDER] – Russian DXpedition Team consisting Vasily R7AL, Leo RW9JZ, Wlodek SP6EQZ, Vasily RA1ZZ, Slav OK8AU, Victor UA3QLC and Nick R5EC are pleased to announce the A25RU DXpedition to Botswana will take … Continuer la lecture

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HQ9CW – Île de Roatan, NA-057

Informations HQ9CW – Roatan Island, NA-057 22 octobre 2023 Max, N5NHJ (I8NHJ) informs DX-WORLD that he will be active as HQ9CW from Sandy Bay, Roatan island, NA-057, Honduras during November 22-29, 2023. A CW only activity on 20-6m, using a … Continuer la lecture

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AmateurLogic.TV L’épisode 186 Version traduite en Français via Google Translate AmateurLogic AmateurLogic.TV L’épisode 186 est maintenant disponible en téléchargement. AmateurLogic.TV fête ses 18 ans d’antenne. George passe en revue le fer à souder alimenté par batterie Craftsman. Jocelyn présente l’antenne portable HF … Continuer la lecture

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Refuge Roque Cisterna,

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Refuge Sargento Roque Cisterna,  WAP ARG-NEW 22 Ottobre 2023 Last mid september 2023, a patrol from the Joint Antarctic Base Belgrano II (WAP ARG-Ø6) carried out a reconnaissance of the march route between the Belgrano 2 … Continuer la lecture

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