Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Informations T2C – Tuvalu

Informations T2C – Tuvalu 22 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – We had an unexpected long power-cut. Sorry guys, we lost a low band shift because of this. The BOGs are working quite well from our site but sometimes we experience … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1694

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1694 du 21-10-2023 Calendrier DX N°1694 du 21-10-2023

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425 DX News Bulletin N°1694

425 DX News Bulletin N°1694 du 21-10-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1694 du 21-10-2023

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Informations H44WA – Îles Salomon

Informations H44WA – Solomon Islands 21 octobre 2023 [UPDATE] – In an effort to combat piracy, the H44WA team will be beta-testing a new anti-spoofing technology developed by our team member/WSJT-X developer Brian Moran, N9ADG. This should help calling stations … Continuer la lecture

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Informations 3G0Y & XR0Y – Île de Pâques

Informations 3G0Y & XR0Y – Easter Island 21 octobre 2023 [REMINDER] During October 22-29, 2023 look for Luis, CE2ML and Mathias, CE2LR to be activce from Easter island. Callsigns used will be 3G0Y (during the CQWW SSB contest) and XR0Y. … Continuer la lecture

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Informations TO8FH – Mayotte

Informations TO8FH – Mayotte 21 octobre 2023 [QRT SOON] – Our TO8FH expedition to Mayotte is almost over. We should finish with around 75,000 QSOs (majority on CW and SSB). Part of the antennas (low bands) were dismantled this afternoon … Continuer la lecture

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Informations TX7L – Îles Marquises 2023

Informations TX7L – Marquesas Islands 2023 21 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Didier, FO/F6BCW Didier has been operating from the island of Huahine for a few months but will stop broadcasting tomorrow so as to send his radio equipment, antennas, … Continuer la lecture

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VY0ERC – Île d’Ellesmere, NA-008

Informations VY0ERC – Ellesmere Isl, NA-008 18 octobre 2023 Pierre, VK3KTB and Alexey VE1RUS will be active as VY0ERC from the Eureka Amateur Radio Club, Ellesmere Island, NA-008 during October 21 to November 22,  2023. QRV when time permits as … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] ZD9W – Tristan da Cunha

Informations [QRV] ZD9W – Tristan da Cunha 18 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE @ 2045z] – Unfortunately, after the earlier news update today, Yuris informs the Spiderbeam is now broken in high winds. He uses the DX Commander currently. Picture and … Continuer la lecture

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Informations A52AA – Bhutan

Informations A52AA – Bhutan 18 octobre 2023 [UPCOMING] – Look out for Abie, AB1F to be active from Thimphu, Bhutan as A52AA during October 19-27, 2023. QRV on SSB; 40-20-15-10m. QSL via H/c, LoTW, eQSL, HamLog, QRZ. Full info here … Continuer la lecture

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Informations T2C – Tuvalu

Informations T2C – Tuvalu 19 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Here’s the entire T2C team posing for the camera! Thanks again to Andree for all the pictures. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Informations T2C … Continuer la lecture

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Informations C6AXX – Bahamas

Informations C6AXX – Bahamas 19 octobre 2023 Rich, NN2T is now active from Freeport, Grand Bahamas as C6AXX until October 30, 2023. Participation in the CQWW SSB. Also CW activity planned. QSL via OQRS, NN2T. C6AXX Livestream. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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DX0NES – Scarborough Shoal

Informations DX0NES – Scarborough Shoal 17 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Gil got in touch to say the DX0NES license has been issued and also sends a picture of an email from ARRL showing approval of the activity. NOTE: License … Continuer la lecture

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[QRT] W8S – Swains Island

Informations [QRT] W8S – Swains Island 17 octobre 2023 [QRT] – A little earlier than expected, W8S is now QRT. The team made 90K QSOs and lots of people happy! Good job, guys. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] TO8FH – Mayotte

Informations [QRV] TO8FH – Mayotte 17 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The propagation is changing on the high bands over the Indian Ocean. We have noticed a drop in propagation for several days, whereas previously there were exceptional openings all … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7/SP5EAQ – Chatham Islands

Informations ZL7/SP5EAQ – Chatham Islands 17 octobre 2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – Jacek, SP5EAQ informs DX-World that he will be QRV from Chatham Islands as ZL7/SP5EAQ starting October 20, 2023 and staying for two weeks. Participation in the CQWW DX SSB … Continuer la lecture

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