Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

Diffusion en direct depuis l’île Swains

Livestreaming from Swains Island 10 octobre 2023 There is already a dedicated DX-World page set up for W8S Swains, and the official website too, but let’s also make their livestreaming video link more visible. Good work team in getting this … Continuer la lecture

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Col Argentin et Pic Argentin Version traduite en Français via Google Translate Col Argentin et Pic Argentin Argentine Peak (W0C/SR-019) est un haut 13er (13 738 pieds) dans la chaîne Sawatch des montagnes Rocheuses. j’avais mon l’oeil sur ce sommet pour un Sommets en … Continuer la lecture

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T2C – Tuvalu

T2C – Tuvalu 10 octobre 2023 [UPDATE] – A new selection of pictures direct from T2C. Again, big thanks to DL8LAS for sending them and thinking of DX-WORLD readership. Team have made 5K QSOs so far – log is here. … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] TO8FH – Mayotte

[QRV] TO8FH – Mayotte 10 octobre 2023 [UPDATE] – Here’s a short video of TO8FH ops in action. Ops: F1ULQ-DL3GA-F4AZF. Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français via Google Translate [QRV] TO8FH – Mayotte [MISE À JOUR] – Voici … Continuer la lecture

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4W8X – Timor Leste

4W8X – Timor Leste 10 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] 4W8X, Timor-Leste will be activated in November 2023 by a team of 20+ skillful and highly experienced DXers and Contesters from Germany, Austria and Poland under leadership of Lagunaria DX Group. Highlighting … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] W8S – Swains Island

[QRV] W8S – Swains Island 08 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – via W8S website; click the gallery below to visit their website. The weather gods are in favor of the W8S Team today! Lots of overcast skies make it possible … Continuer la lecture

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Janusz, SP9FIH sera actif depuis l’atoll de Manihiki

E51JAN – North Cook 08 octobre 2023 [EARLY REMINDER] – Janusz, SP9FIH will be active from Manihiki Atoll, North Cook as E51JAN during October 12 to November 6, 2023. E51JAN license is ready to collect in Rarotonga. Flights and accommodation … Continuer la lecture

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W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Version traduite en Français via Google Translate WAP WACA & WADA plates to F6FHO 8 Ottobre 2023 Congrats to Philippe Laurent F6FHO for the Top HR WAP WACA and WAP-WADA ceramic plates just issued. It’s a … Continuer la lecture

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TO8FH – Mayotte

TO8FH – Mayotte 08 octobre 2023 [UPCOMING] – It’s worth reminding, prior to this DXpedition hitting the airwaves soon, that LoTW will be free for everyone. In F6KOP’s own words: To benefit from a fast LoTW confirmation it has become … Continuer la lecture

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OX3LX, OX5DM, OX7AKT, OX7AM – Groenland

OX3LX, OX5DM, OX7AKT, OX7AM – Greenland 08 octobre 2023 During November 21-28, the OX7A crew (consisting OX3LX, OX5DM, OX7AKT & OX7AM) will be active from Black Ridge, Kangerlussuaq on HF bands running SSB, DIGI and CW. Participation in the CQWW … Continuer la lecture

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TO8FH Mayotte sera actif dans le FT8

TO8FH Mayotte sera actif dans le FT8 06/10/2023 Un groupe d’opérateurs radioamateurs composé de F1DHX, F1ULQ, F2DX, F4AZF, F4DLM, F5NTZ, F5UOW, F8AVK, F8EFU, DL3GA, HB9GWJ ET ON7RN sera actif depuis Mayotte du 10 au 22 octobre 2023 avec l’indicatif TO8FH. … Continuer la lecture

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5X3K Le dernier jour de notre expédition est arrivé

5X3K – Uganda 07 octobre 2023 [QRT SOON] – The last day of our expedition is here. Until the last moment, we tried to work as much as possible on the bands. Limitations were not just band conditions but also … Continuer la lecture

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4W8X – Timor Leste

4W8X – Timor Leste 07 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] 4W8X, Timor-Leste will be activated in November 2023 by a team of 20+ skillful and highly experienced DXers and Contesters from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary and England under leadership of Lagunaria DX Group. … Continuer la lecture

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Diffusion en direct de la Convention RSGB

RSGB Convention Livestream 07 octobre 2023 We have just launched news of our RSGB 2023 Convention livestream and we’d be grateful if you would share this with your readers. We know that radio amateurs across the world watch our livestream … Continuer la lecture

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Ces derniers jours, J28RC est de nouveau apparu sur les ondes

J28RC – Djibouti 07 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Last couple of days, J28RC has again hit the airwaves having previously been active in August 2022. A reminder that J28RC is actually the “Riverine” Amateur Radio Club based at Camp … Continuer la lecture

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[QRV] – W8S – Île Swains

[QRV] – W8S – Swains Island 07 octobre 2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Special thanks to team members Martin PA4WM and Johannes PA5X for sharing these pictures & video directly from Swains Island. The latest news (as found official W8S website) … Continuer la lecture

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