Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

T2C – Tuvalu

T2C – Tuvalu 03-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Due so many expeditions in October, team T2C changed their frequency plan. You can find the revised version here. [JULY 28] – As most of you know, our team conducts every year a … Continuer la lecture

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FO/F1SMB – Polynésie française

FO/F1SMB – French Polynesia 03-08-2023 Yann, F1SMB will again be active as FO/F1SMB from French Polynesia between August 13 to September 5, 2023-23. (He was previously active in August 2021). QRV on 20-17-15-10m, SSB & FT8. QSL via LoTW. Itinerary … Continuer la lecture

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Arrêt réussi des transmissions radar SuperDARN

Arrêt réussi des transmissions radar SuperDARN dans la bande 20 m    Le 13 avril 2023 à 1119 UTC, Pekka, OH2BLU, coordinateur de la surveillance finlandaise des intrusions (alias Bandwacht) a observé les transmissions d’un radar SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral … Continuer la lecture

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ZL7A – Chatham Island

ZL7A – Chatham Islands 02-08-2023 Team consisting of JF1OCQ, JA1SVP & JE1SYN will be active from Chatham Islands as ZL7A during November 9-22, 2023. QRV on 160-6m + SAT IO-117 (430mHz). Equipment: 3 x transceivers, verticals and dipoles for HF. … Continuer la lecture

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5U – Niger DXpedition

5U – Niger DXpedition 02-08-2023 NEWS UPDATE – Due to the current situation in Niger (5U), the DXpedition planned by F6KOP in October 2023 has been postponed. In the meantime, however F6KOP plans to leave in October, but to another … Continuer la lecture

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A22EW – Botswana

C21TS – Nauru 02-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Here’s the very latest info from Phil: Plans moving along for a permanent QTH and it’s hoped that I’d move in next week some time. After that setup will be relatively quick. Looks … Continuer la lecture

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T22T – Tuvalu

T22T – Tuvalu 01-08-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Rebel DX Group has given a quick update on their upcoming T22T – Tuvalu DXpedition. They say preparations continue with plans for up to 9 stations running on 160-6m. CW and FT8 with … Continuer la lecture

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FO/F4FJH – Polynésie française

FO/F4FJH – French Polynesia 01-08-2023 Eric, F4FJH is currently active from Tahiti, French Polynesia (OC-046) as FO/F4FJH. Length of stay unknown. He has been active on 20 SSB (recording below from today @ 0830z). QSL via LoTW, eQSL. @dx-world Version … Continuer la lecture

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A22EW – Botswana

A22EW – Botswana 01-08-2023 Sajid, VA3QY announces he will be heading to his homeland of Botswana starting September 16 and staying there until October 8, 2023. QRV as A22EW on 20-10m and possibly 6m. QSL via eQSL. Version traduite en … Continuer la lecture

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Volker Strecke DL8JDX cette fois sur l’Arctique

W.A.P. Worldwide Antarctic Program Volker Strecke DL8JDX this time on the Arctic. 31 Luglio 2023 Our attentive readers and WAP follower know that DL8JDX did join last year with an Expedition Cruise to Antarctica where he retourned after a long … Continuer la lecture

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CB0ZA – Île Juan Fernández

CB0ZA – Juan Fernandez Island 31-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – The CB0ZA team have been working on the selection of antennas and equipment. They want to put a good signal on all bands. Taking into account the place and space restrictions, … Continuer la lecture

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VK9LAA – Île Lord Howe

VK9LAA – Lord Howe Island 31-07-2023 W7YAQ, Bob and K7AR, Al will be active from the Beachcomber Lodge on Lord Howe Island, Australia from September 20 to October 4, 2023. They have requested the call VK9LAA although it is still … Continuer la lecture

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1A0C – S.M.O.M

1A0C – S.M.O.M 30-07-2023 NEWS UPDATE] – A new log upload has been made. Just over 51K QSOs @ 19:30z. As always, pictures credit 1A0C team: Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 1A0C – S.M.O.M … Continuer la lecture

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FT8 domine les concours VHF FT8 domine les concours VHF Le mode FT8 a été lancé pour la première fois dans le cadre du WSJT-X software en 2017. Ce nouveau mode numérique a été adopté relativement rapidement et est maintenant une force majeure dans … Continuer la lecture

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DX de ce jour

DX on this Day 30-07-2023 Spanning 25 years, looking back from 2022 to 1997 showing DX on this Day. Do you remember working KH8SI or KD6WW/VY0 or maybe K7K? You can also check back here and see all previous DX … Continuer la lecture

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OX3LX – Groenland

OX3LX – Greenland 30-07-2023 Bo, OZ1DJJ will be QRV from Tasiilaq Island, NA-151 (Grid: HP15EO) as OX3LX during August 4-15, 2023. Focus on QO100, 6m and 4m but also some activity on HF too. QSL via OZ0J. (Picture credit OZ1DJJ). Version … Continuer la lecture

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