Archives de catégorie : Trafic Radioamateur

DX de ce jour

DX on this Day 30-07-2023 Spanning 25 years, looking back from 2022 to 1997 showing DX on this Day. Do you remember working KH8SI or KD6WW/VY0 or maybe K7K? You can also check back here and see all previous DX … Continuer la lecture

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OX3LX – Groenland

OX3LX – Greenland 30-07-2023 Bo, OZ1DJJ will be QRV from Tasiilaq Island, NA-151 (Grid: HP15EO) as OX3LX during August 4-15, 2023. Focus on QO100, 6m and 4m but also some activity on HF too. QSL via OZ0J. (Picture credit OZ1DJJ). Version … Continuer la lecture

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FO/F1SMB – Polynésie française

FO/F1SMB – French Polynesia 30-07-2023 Yann, F1SMB will again be active as FO/F1SMB from French Polynesia between August 13 to September 5, 2023-23. (He was previously active in August 2021). QRV on 40-10m, SSB & FT8. QSL via LoTW. Itinerary … Continuer la lecture

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T88HV & T88RR – Pala

T88HV & T88RR – Palau 29-07-2023 Hide, JH6JWE and Yas, JA6UBY will be active from Palau as T88HV and T88RR respectively. QRV on 160-6m; SSB, FT8, FT4, FM. QSL info instructions. Version traduite en Français via Google Translate T88HV … Continuer la lecture

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1A0C – S.M.O.M Le journal en ligne a récemment été corrigé

1A0C – S.M.O.M 29-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Online log has recently been corrected. Furthermore, initially the team were not going to operate 160m, but a recent tweet appeared: Continue reading —» HERE Version traduite en Français via Google Translate 1A0C … Continuer la lecture

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V6 – États fédérés de Micronésie

V6 – Federated States of Micronesia 29-07-2023 Active from Weno island, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia (F.S.M) during September 18-21, look for the following calls: V63Z & V6AAA by JH2BNL V6WW by JA2NQG V63FM by JI2UAY V63OS by JR2WER … Continuer la lecture

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C21TS – Nauru

C21TS – Nauru 29-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – Phil has now arrived Nauru and updates with the following info: I am now physically located in Nauru but I am at temporary accommodation for the moment. I arrived here last Saturday (July … Continuer la lecture

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VP5/N5VOF & VP5/KI5UBT – Turks & Caicos

VP5/N5VOF & VP5/KI5UBT – Turks & Caicos 29-07-2023 [UPCOMING] – Look for VP5/N5VOF & VP5/KI5UBT to be active from Providenciales, Turks & Caicos during July 31 to August 14, 2023. QRV on 40-2m; SSB & FT8, 100w. QSL via H/cs. … Continuer la lecture

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Calendrier DX News 425 N°1682 du 29-07-2023

Calendrier DX News 425 N°1682 du 29-07-2023 Calendrier DX N°1682 du 29-07-2023

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T2C – Tuvalu

T2C – Tuvalu 28-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As most of you know, our team conducts every year a serious light weight DXpedition to rare to semi-rare DXCC entities. These are not vacation trips. We take proper technology – including a … Continuer la lecture

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425 DX News Bulletin N°1682 du 29-07-2023

425 DX News Bulletin N°1682 du 29-07-2023 DX News 425 Bulletin N°1682 du 29-07-2023

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4W8X – Timor oriental

4W8X – Timor Leste 28-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] 4W8X, Timor-Leste will be activated in November 2023 by a team of 20+ skillful and highly experienced DXers and Contesters from Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary and England under leadership of Lagunaria DX Group. Highlighting … Continuer la lecture

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Île de Gili Ketapang OC-237

Gili Ketapang Island OC-237 28-07-2023 During the IOTA contest look for YB3EDD/P, YC3GZY/P, YC3RNW/P & YF3BVD/P to be active from Gili Ketapang Island OC-237. Individual calls to be used, no contest call. All pictures provided by Budi, YF1AR for DX-World … Continuer la lecture

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3D2BJ – Fiji & Rotuma

3D2BJ – Fiji & Rotuma 27-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] By BJ, WA7WJR Despite the very windy and sometimes rainy conditions, I (3D2BJ) was able to complete over 2000 QSOs from Rotuma Island, Fiji (IOTA OC-060). Big thanks to all my contacts … Continuer la lecture

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Alors que 1A0C continue d’être actif sur de nombreuses bandes

1A0C – S.M.O.M 27-07-2023 [NEWS UPDATE] – As 1A0C continues to be active on many bands and modes one of the ops – Dima RA9USU – took time out to send DX-World some pictures from S.M.O.M. Continue reading —» HERE … Continuer la lecture

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IOTA Contest 2023

IOTA Contest 2023 27-07-2023 This coming weekend (July 29-30) sees the IOTA contest taking place. To keep track of participating island stations or to add your entry check here and here. The rules are here. Version traduite en Français via … Continuer la lecture

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