A52YL – Bhutan

Mio, JR3MVF and Kay, WA0WOF will be active from the Dochula Eco Resort (Alt: 3150m) Bhutan as A52YL between April 29 to May 5, 2018. QRV on 80-6m SSB, CW & Digi. QSL via WA0WOF.
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Le 04 Mars 2018
A52YL – Bhutan
Mio, JR3MVF et Kay, WA0WOF seront actifs du Dochula Eco Resort (Alt: 3150m) Bhoutan en utilisant l’indicatif A52YL entre le 29 avril et le 5 mai 2018. QRV sur 80-6m SSB, CW & Digi. QSL via WA0WOF.