Informations Jarvis Island DXpedition

Informations Jarvis Island DXpedition

Jarvis Island DXpedition

Le 04 Mars 2024

[PRESS RELEASE #1] – The Dateline DX Association is pleased to announce it has received permission from the USFWS for a DXpedition to Jarvis Island National Wildlife Reserve this August. Jarvis is ranked nr. 18 on Club Log’s global most wanted list. It is number 9 in Europe. Jarvis Island is 450 miles from Palmyra Atoll and 1500 miles from Hawaii.

Jarvis was last on the air in 1990 and permission to visit has been difficult to obtain. We have worked very hard for the past few years on this permission and after demonstrating the success of the RIB concept with remote operators from various locations in 2023 we have received a permit that allows 4 operators on the boat to visit Jarvis with 6 stations on land.

73 George AA7JV and Don N1DG, permit holders for the Jarvis Island NWR 2024 DXpedition.

Info de la Source * ICI

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