Les Scouts de Reading s’unissent avec le Club de Radio Amateur pour un Événement

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Les Scouts de Reading s’unissent avec le Club de Radio Amateur pour un Événement :

De AB7RG: readingchronicle.co.uk le 2024-10-31

Held on Saturday, October 19, the Jamboree on the Air event (JOTA) connects scout groups globally via radio and the internet, fostering communication skills. RADARC (Reading and District Amateur Radio Club) teamed up with the scouts at their Kensington Park base for the annual event. Scouts from the 103rd group participated in four communication activities, including internet communication, radio communication, and radio kit building. RADARC provided a radio, aerial set up, and club member David Honey, who offered basic radio training. Scout members then took the microphone, speaking to 24 other scout groups in countries such as Eire, The Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and the UK.

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Les Scouts de Reading s’unissent avec le Club de Radio Amateur pour un Événement :

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