Jan 15, 2022
Tony, WA4JQS reminds us that 30 years ago (in March) the VP8SSI South Sandwich Island DXpedition took place. Tony was team leader and would go on to become co-leader of the 3Y0PI Peter 1st Island DXpedition two years later. Thanks for the memories !
Tony WA4JQS as VP8BZL/MM on the way to South Sandwich
Team VP8SSI on Falkland Islands.
Info de la Source * ICI
Tony, WA4JQS nous rappelle qu’il y a 30 ans (en mars) la DXpedition VP8SSI South Sandwich Island a eu lieu. Tony était chef d’équipe et allait devenir co-leader de la 3Y0PI Peter 1st Island
DXpedition deux ans plus tard. Merci pour les souvenirs !
Info de la Source * ICI